September 29, 2012June 29, 20182012, Celebrity, Editorial, Portfolio HELLO! Asia – Prince William and Catherine Middleton HELLO! Asia magazine issue 79 (the closing issue of HELLO! Asia). September 2012.
September 19, 2012September 19, 20172012, Music Festivals Carlsberg’ Where’s The Party? 2012. The epic beach party of the year! [ADV] The most anticipated beach party of the year; Carlsberg’s Where’s The Party? 2012. This time it took place not in Klang […]
August 29, 2012June 29, 20182012, Celebrity, Editorial, Portfolio, Portraits HER WORLD Featuring Andy Kho HER WORLD magazine featuring Andy Kho in page 154 under HER STORY. August 2012.
May 29, 2012June 29, 20182012, Editorial, Portfolio, Portraits HELLO! Asia – Successful Chef and Businesswomen Julie Song HELLO! Asia magazine issue 67. May 2012.
April 29, 2012June 29, 20182012, Celebrity, Editorial, Portfolio, Portraits HELLO! Asia – A Sisterly Affair with Deborah and Rachel Henry HELLO! Asia Magazine issue 66. April 2012.
April 12, 2012September 19, 20172012, DJ, Portraits DJ Profiles DJ Gold Fish DJ Leonard T Ray Soo DJ Shazz T Bone
April 12, 2012September 19, 20172012, Celebrity, Family Portraits, Portfolio, Portraits Amber Chia Malaysian celebrity Amber Chia and her baby. […]
April 6, 2012September 19, 20172012, Celebrity, Portfolio, Portraits Angkasawan Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Sheikh Muszaphar Shukoris a Malaysian orthopaedic surgeon and the first Malaysian astronaut